Ran Gunner EP7 Revival Edition
Joined: 2019-05-28 02:26:13 |
Owner: RENet |
Server Language: ID |
Cat: Ran Online |
- EXP Rate:
- SP Rate:
- Adena Rate:
- Drop Rate:
- Spoil Rate:
- Safe Enchant:
- Max Enchant:
Good to know
- GM Shop:
- NPC Buffer:
- Global GK:
- Offline Shop:
- Raid Boss Teleporter:
- SexNpc:
- Custom Zone:
- Custom Weapon:
- Custom Armor:
Server Description
A Tribute to the old ran gunner ep7 server [different management]. New PvP features [Tyranny[fix]/Royal Rumble[modified]/Capture the Base[new] 7 237 Skills [7 197 unlocked, rest are huntable] Balanced ItemRebuild Wing w/ attack speed. Warzone/Suryun.
More Server Description
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