La2 Alpha Interlude 50x No custom
Joined: 2021-06-30 16:13:20 |
Owner: La2Al |
Server Language: BR |
Cat: Lineage 2 |
- EXP Rate: 50
- SP Rate: 50
- Adena Rate: 200
- Drop Rate: 10
- Spoil Rate: 25
- Safe Enchant: 5
- Max Enchant: 20
Good to know
- GM Shop:
- NPC Buffer:
- Global GK:
- Offline Shop:
- Raid Boss Teleporter:
- SexNpc:
- Custom Zone:
- Custom Weapon:
- Custom Armor:
Server Description
Servidor interlude 50x Craft no custom , Abertura 10/07/2021 . [Interlude] Rates 50x 50x 200x | Eventos automaticos | PvP All Time | | AntiBot | Npcs personalizados | Aguardando +300 jogadores online | Em breve o Melhor Servidor do Brasil! Junte se agora!!
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