Antares | International | START 07.10.22
Joined: 2022-09-26 01:48:39 |
Owner: Antar |
Server Language: DE |
Cat: Metin2 |
- EXP Rate: 250
- SP Rate: 250
- Adena Rate:
- Drop Rate: 50
- Spoil Rate: 50
- Safe Enchant: 50
- Max Enchant:
Good to know
- GM Shop:
- NPC Buffer:
- Global GK:
- Offline Shop:
- Raid Boss Teleporter:
- SexNpc:
- Custom Zone:
- Custom Weapon:
- Custom Armor:
Server Description
START: 07.October | Old /Middleschool | International Server | No Alchemy | A lot of Quality of Life | High EXP Rates | Modern & Unique Systems
More Server Description
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